Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Attacking golf, a change in play...

The changes to my golfing are still in motion and getting nearer to settled. It has been a good weekend of rounds following the unsettled frustration on the previous fortnight. Briefly as reader of my posts are aware my game has been based on playing to handicap for the first 15 holes and depending on my game state at that point either go for a sub par round or play to par at best. Long established and effective in scoring well for several seasons this has now been targeted for change. One of my golfing foundations is that the game pays for itself, either through winning vouchers or balls etc. in competitions or major club trophy events. This has been lessening over the past two seasons, still wining major club seasonal trophies, which are good for a couple of hundred dollars in vouchers. The weekly voucher wins though have significantly reduced. Winning more second and third placing than firsts now, simply because I do not get those massive 4 to 5 under handicap scores as my playing handicap has lowered. Whilst this has not been a big influence on my game and enjoyment of golf there is an awareness of the scarcity of wins. With the current availability of amateur golf , 'back yourself to win' options I have decided to add this to my golf spend. This is no spur of the moment decision, already well aware of how much in front I would be if this had been started in March 2015. It has taken until now to get more important golf aspects settled without adding a distraction. Instead I can now incorporate this to my game as a reward for the effort put in. Simply every competition I play is now valued added for myself. There is another more active reasoning behind this also. I need to have an incentive to make me follow the new game that is settling into place. Fact is my golf has never been particularly attacking ectept for putting. Generally it is hit the ball forward sometimes get a green in regulation, My GIR 28.36% B Grade 31.37% PGA 64.70% Mostly chip then try for 1 putt up and down pars. Hence my daily 50 chip 50 putt practise session. The past fortnight has seen the addition to this of 100 (minimum) long iron shots #5,6,7,8,9,PW each day to targets fro 100 to 150 metres to the range. I am never going to get the goal and hold it unless I add a minimum of 20% more to my Greens in Regulation average. Adding $20 per round to my weekly competition spend which gives a minimum of $80 in vouchers if playing less than my handicap is well worth the price. The prize is the bonus which makes putting n all the effort worthwhile. It is an incentive to play my best golf all the time and make changes to improve performance. Thankyou for your time and attention Geoff

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