Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A doctors visit, step one to better golf in 2014

Yesterday was spent inside pondering the state of my golfing capability. Unable to get out and hit balls due to the combination of work and injury. Not my preferred choice on such a great summer day but a forced necessity. A day well spent after all was said and done and at this early hour of the new working day I have formalized the coming golf season plan with very unexpected direction. The first step in my 2014 golf season is to go to my doctor and discuss the recurring injuries which really stifled the past seasons golfing. The fact is that my various broken bits from a MVA in 1982 are the cause of the problems. What is also a fact is that I am in the best physical fitness condition in a decade due to Bowen Therapy, playing golf since 2009, combined with swimming and strand pulling in 2013. There is two particular injury flareups which affect my golf, oh and general life also. My back muscles seize up and become inflamed, painful and restrictive. This is not a major restraint as it once was, doing a couple of sets of strand pulling exercises in particular, literally resets my back muscles withing minutes. The major debilitating injury is in the groin, no not my thinking stick, it is a muscle strain of sorts down the right thigh. It is a symptom of my actual back injury that throws the hips out of alignment and starts with a favoring of the right leg when walking. This adds strain to the groin and eventually the area is sore, restrictive and simple walking is difficult as is sitting in one place without discomfort. This is nothing like the pain and discomfort I have had in the past so it is a good thing. Having improved this condition so much in the past decade my mind is tuned into looking at all options that may improve my health a all opportunities. I do not self diagnose my problems and devise treatments, that is what professional health practitioners are for. Right now the obvious recurring groin problem in the past year is the symptom that needs review. Whilst Bowen Therapy repairs it the increased physical activity of golfing is part of the problem. The cure is not to stop golfing, I have to go to my GP and start the process of preventing the groin strain from happening so often and if possible stop it altogether. There is more to golf than hitting the ball, finding the ball is very important as well. Using that phrase as an analogy, is my first step towards having another crack at getting a single digit handicap in 2014. Thankyou for your time and attention. Hit the ball, Find the ball, Hit the ball. Geoff

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