Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nova Unhatched... "Footyhead" makes the first cut

“Hey You! Yes You! The amazing star that no one knows about. Here's your chance to break out and be discovered...with...Unhatched.”
“Footyhead” has had 3 clips accepted in the Nova Unhatched competition check them out here;

Nova and the Comedy Channel Unhatched

Click Gallery and Enter; talart248 in the search box click the search icon and 3 videos will come up.
Starting his weekly internet appearances in season 2008 “Footyhead” has became a popular feature for AFL fans on their web browsing. Often wrong but never concerned “Footyhead” with his unabashed Carlton bias has ridden the rollercoaster of the past seasons with a sense of humour to get through the defeats and happy dances in victory.

Voting begins on the 16th of May in the Nova Unhatched competition to chose the final ten.

Thankyou for your time and attention, Geoff

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